Clean, Efficient, Tailings-Free Extraction for Critical Minerals

Present mineral processing technologies utilize less reactive reagents, requiring heat and pressure to obtain desired results.

Heat and pressure are costly in terms of capital expenditure (CAPEX), operational expenditure (OPEX), and greenhouse gas emissions (GHGE). The overall process generally delivers just one commodity.

Current processes also lead to wastefulness, causing considerable loss of reagents, with numerous non-target commodities being stored in large, specialized hazardous waste facilities, such as tailings dams.

Fluoromet Harnesses the Power of Fluorine

Fluorine is the most reactive element in the Periodic Table.

The Fluoromet Extraction Process uses fluorine-based reagents to extract high purity Critical Minerals.

Fluorine chemically converts the building blocks of all ores, oxides, chlorides, sulphides and carbonates, into a fluoride under ambient conditions.

Compounds are then sequentially treated to isolate and extract a range of high purity products in a process we term Resource Maximisation.

Fluorine reagents are captured and recycled in a complete, remote controlled, closed loop process.